Barbours Pond Riparian Restoration

The Riparian Zone refers to the land which lies adjacent to a stream, pond, or other surface water body. Preserving a vegetated buffer within the riparian zone protects water quality via bank erosion stabilization and the filtration of sediments, pollutants, and excess nutrients. Vegetated riparian buffers also provide bird and wildlife habitat, and add to the aesthetic beauty of the surrounding area.

The Riparian Zone at the southeast end of Barbour’s Pond had suffered much damage during the dredging work which took place during the winter of 2017-2018. In an attempt to restore the area to a thriving and vibrant natural habitat, the Friends of Garret Mountain designed a plan to restore the site. This involved stabilizing the soil with erosion control matting and native riparian seed mix; and replanting the area with shrubs, trees, herbaceous perennials, and deer-resistant seed mix.

This restoration project was a volunteer project and a cooperative endeavor between FOGMR and the Passaic County Parks Dept.

This is an ongoing project which continues to grow and evolve.

October 2022
August 2019
Great Blue Lobelia
Black Eyed Susan
New England Aster
Common Milkweed
Butterfly Milkweed